These two beauties are quarter horses from the farm across the road from ours. I call the black stallion 'Black Beauty' for two reasons: first is that he is beautiful and majestic as he grazes in the field, secondly, because I can't remember his registered name! So, to me, he's Black Beauty. The pretty chestnut mare is 'Brandy'. I also can't remember her registered name (registered names are often so long...) but thankfully she has a nickname, and it is indeed 'Brandy'. She is very docile, so is Black Beauty, especially for a stallion!

My sister and nephew visited last week from Boston, and Eddie decided to feed the horses. He always likes to visit them when he's here, it's just something he doesn't see in Boston. He loves to grow things in the garden, explore, and be outdoors, so visiting the horses with my girls was his cup of tea! The horses were very thankful, because the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence! They enjoyed their afternoon snack very much!

Afterwords, the kids thought pushing each other on the tire swing was the thing to do. Well, I think it's the thing to do on a wonderful summer day too. Tire swings never get old!

The tree in the above shot is a bit deceiving. It looks like my daughter is going to crash into it any second, but it's really about 7 or 8 feet out, thankfully from the trunk. They've only hit the tree a few times, without any injures, thank goodness. It kind of reminds me of "George of the Jungle" when he yells "Look out for the...tree".
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